
Table of contents

  1. Usage
  2. Options
    1. Additional docs
  3. CSS Variables


import { cuteToast } from 'cute-alert'

  type: 'success',
  title: 'Title',
  description: 'Description',
  timer: 5000
}).then((event) => {
  if (event === 'close') {
    console.log('toast closed')


event has the AlertToastValue type and at the moment, its value will always be close. For more information about types, check out the Typescript page.


Name Description Type Default Value Optional
type Type of toast 'error' | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning'   🚫
title Text to be displayed on title string  
description Text to be displayed on description string  
timer Timer to close the toast number  
vibrationPattern Pattern to pulse the vibration hardware on the device when the toast pops up number | number[]  
soundSrc Sound source to play when the toast pops up string  
imageSrc Image source (in case you wish to overwrite the default ones) string  
imageSize Image size number 80

Additional docs

Vibration will not work on Safari as the vibrate() method is not compatible with it.

CSS Variables

--cute-toast-primary and --cute-toast-primary-light are set according to --cute-toast-color-{type} and --cute-toast-color-{type}-light respectively.

CSS Variable Default Value
–cute-toast-z-index 10
–cute-toast-gap 0.75rem
–cute-toast-border-radius 0.25rem
–cute-toast-box-shadow 0 0 20px rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
–cute-toast-background-color var(--cute-toast-primary)
–cute-toast-color-error #d85261
–cute-toast-color-error-light #e5a4b4
–cute-toast-color-success #2dd284
–cute-toast-color-success-light #6edaa4
–cute-toast-color-warning #fada5e
–cute-toast-color-warning-light #fcecae
–cute-toast-color-info #88cef7
–cute-toast-color-info-light #c3e6fb
–cute-toast-padding 0.75rem 1rem
–cute-toast-width 100%
–cute-toast-content-margin 0 1.5rem 0 1rem
–cute-toast-title-font-size 1rem
–cute-toast-title-font-family 'Open Sans', sans-serif
–cute-toast-title-font-weight 700
–cute-toast-title-color #fff
–cute-toast-description-font-size 0.875rem
–cute-toast-description-font-family 'Open Sans', sans-serif
–cute-toast-description-font-weight 600
–cute-toast-description-color #fff
–cute-toast-close-color rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
–cute-toast-close-color-hover rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
–cute-toast-timer-background-color var(--cute-toast-primary-light)